Developer interface#


class aiomqtt.Client(hostname: str, port: int = 1883, *, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, identifier: str | None = None, queue_type: type[asyncio.Queue[Message]] | None = None, protocol: ProtocolVersion | None = None, will: Will | None = None, clean_session: bool | None = None, transport: Literal['tcp', 'websockets', 'unix'] = 'tcp', timeout: float | None = None, keepalive: int = 60, bind_address: str = '', bind_port: int = 0, clean_start: mqtt.CleanStartOption = 3, max_queued_incoming_messages: int | None = None, max_queued_outgoing_messages: int | None = None, max_inflight_messages: int | None = None, max_concurrent_outgoing_calls: int | None = None, properties: Properties | None = None, tls_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None, tls_params: TLSParameters | None = None, tls_insecure: bool | None = None, proxy: ProxySettings | None = None, socket_options: Iterable[SocketOption] | None = None, websocket_path: str | None = None, websocket_headers: WebSocketHeaders | None = None)

Asynchronous context manager for the connection to the MQTT broker.

  • hostname – The hostname or IP address of the remote broker.

  • port – The network port of the remote broker.

  • username – The username to authenticate with.

  • password – The password to authenticate with.

  • logger – Custom logger instance.

  • identifier – The client identifier. Generated automatically if None.

  • queue_type – The class to use for the queue. The default is asyncio.Queue, which stores messages in FIFO order. For LIFO order, you can use asyncio.LifoQueue; For priority order you can subclass asyncio.PriorityQueue.

  • protocol – The version of the MQTT protocol.

  • will – The will message to publish if the client disconnects unexpectedly.

  • clean_session – If True, the broker will remove all information about this client when it disconnects. If False, the client is a persistent client and subscription information and queued messages will be retained when the client disconnects.

  • transport – The transport protocol to use. Either "tcp", "websockets" or "unix".

  • timeout – The default timeout for all communication with the broker in seconds.

  • keepalive – The keepalive timeout for the client in seconds.

  • bind_address – The IP address of a local network interface to bind this client to.

  • bind_port – The network port to bind this client to.

  • clean_start – (MQTT v5.0 only) Set the clean start flag always, never, or only on the first successful connection to the broker.

  • max_queued_incoming_messages – Restricts the incoming message queue size. If the queue is full, further incoming messages are discarded. 0 or less means unlimited (the default).

  • max_queued_outgoing_messages – Resticts the outgoing message queue size. If the queue is full, further outgoing messages are discarded. 0 means unlimited (the default).

  • max_inflight_messages – The maximum number of messages with QoS > 0 that can be part way through their network flow at once.

  • max_concurrent_outgoing_calls – The maximum number of concurrent outgoing calls.

  • properties – (MQTT v5.0 only) The properties associated with the client.

  • tls_context – The SSL/TLS context.

  • tls_params – The SSL/TLS configuration to use.

  • tls_insecure – Enable/disable server hostname verification when using SSL/TLS.

  • proxy – Configure a proxy for the connection.

  • socket_options – Options to pass to the underlying socket.

  • websocket_path – The path to use for websockets.

  • websocket_headers – The headers to use for websockets.

property identifier: str

The client’s identifier.

Note that paho-mqtt stores the client ID as bytes internally. We assume that the client ID is a UTF8-encoded string and decode it first.

property messages: MessagesIterator

Dynamic view of the client’s message queue.

async subscribe(topic: str | tuple[str, paho.mqtt.subscribeoptions.SubscribeOptions] | list[tuple[str, paho.mqtt.subscribeoptions.SubscribeOptions]] | list[tuple[str, int]], qos: int = 0, options: paho.mqtt.subscribeoptions.SubscribeOptions | None = None, properties: | None = None, *args: Any, timeout: float | None = None, **kwargs: Any) tuple[int, ...] | list[paho.mqtt.reasoncodes.ReasonCode]

Subscribe to a topic or wildcard.

  • topic – The topic or wildcard to subscribe to.

  • qos – The requested QoS level for the subscription.

  • options – (MQTT v5.0 only) Optional paho-mqtt subscription options.

  • properties – (MQTT v5.0 only) Optional paho-mqtt properties.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s subscribe method.

  • timeout – The maximum time in seconds to wait for the subscription to complete. Use math.inf to wait indefinitely.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s subscribe method.

async unsubscribe(topic: str | list[str], properties: | None = None, *args: Any, timeout: float | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None

Unsubscribe from a topic or wildcard.

  • topic – The topic or wildcard to unsubscribe from.

  • properties – (MQTT v5.0 only) Optional paho-mqtt properties.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s unsubscribe method.

  • timeout – The maximum time in seconds to wait for the unsubscription to complete. Use math.inf to wait indefinitely.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s unsubscribe method.

async publish(topic: str, payload: str | bytes | bytearray | int | float | None = None, qos: int = 0, retain: bool = False, properties: | None = None, *args: Any, timeout: float | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None

Publish a message to the broker.

  • topic – The topic to publish to.

  • payload – The message payload.

  • qos – The QoS level to use for publication.

  • retain – If set to True, the message will be retained by the broker.

  • properties – (MQTT v5.0 only) Optional paho-mqtt properties.

  • *args – Additional positional arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s publish method.

  • timeout – The maximum time in seconds to wait for publication to complete. Use math.inf to wait indefinitely.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to paho-mqtt’s publish method.

async __aenter__() Self

Connect to the broker.

async __aexit__(exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc: BaseException | None, tb: types.TracebackType | None) None

Disconnect from the broker.


class aiomqtt.MessagesIterator(client: Client)

Dynamic view of the client’s message queue.

__aiter__() AsyncIterator[Message]
async __anext__() Message
__len__() int

Return the number of messages in the message queue.


class aiomqtt.Message(topic: str | aiomqtt.topic.Topic, payload: str | bytes | bytearray | int | float | None, qos: int, retain: bool, mid: int, properties: | None)

Wraps the paho-mqtt message class to allow using our own matching logic.

This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. Instead, it is yielded by the async generator Client.messages.

  • topic – The topic the message was published to.

  • payload – The message payload.

  • qos – The quality of service level of the subscription that matched the message.

  • retain – Whether the message is a retained message.

  • mid – The message ID.

  • properties – (MQTT v5.0 only) The properties associated with the message.


The topic the message was published to.




The message payload.


str | bytes | bytearray | int | float | None


The quality of service level of the subscription that matched the message.




Whether the message is a retained message.




The message ID.




(MQTT v5.0 only) The properties associated with the message.

Type: | None


class aiomqtt.Topic(value: str)

MQTT topic that can be published and subscribed to.


value – The topic string.


The topic string.



matches(wildcard: str | aiomqtt.topic.Wildcard) bool

Check if the topic matches a given wildcard.


wildcard – The wildcard to match against.


True if the topic matches the wildcard, False otherwise.


class aiomqtt.Wildcard(value: str)

MQTT wildcard that can be subscribed to, but not published to.

A wildcard is similar to a topic, but can optionally contain + and # placeholders. You can access the value attribute directly to perform str operations on a wildcard.


value – The wildcard string.


The wildcard string.



value: str